Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Thanks God, We've Got Thanksgiving :)

It was blackout scheduled by Government's Electricity Company yesterday. After electricity turned back on, suddenly there's someone brought 2 box of meals :)

Thanks to Mr. Toni Wibowo's family who has given their Thanksgiving for celebrating their new son.

This thanksgiving is called "Aqiqah", that's a Moslem tradition if a family has a new child, so they should sacrificed at least a goat (if they can afford it). And like in Eid Adha, mostly we cook as a Gulai (curry).

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

A Cat Ate One of My Fish This Morning

Huh!, I hate this cat so much! This morning she ate one of my fish!

I know, she has been watching for all my fish from yesterday afternoon. Maybe she has hurt one of the fish. And this morning, after I did morning pray, my fish has gone one piece :(


I hate this cat

Dedicated to Rezi and Mas Sidi

I write this post just for my Senior High School friend, Rezi. And my course friend, Mas Sidi.
And also my parents. If you're not one of them, pls dont read this :)

I hope the subjects who we talk about dont read this post also. Cause I think it's impossible for the subject to find this blog. Maybe there any possibility for them to find this blog. But I think it's not easy and nearly impossible hehe..
Cause she is not often do the 'blog walking" :D

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Ambarukmo Plaza Was On Fire on Last Saturday Night.

Many people got freaked out yesterday evening. This is the news from Ambarukmo Plaza Yogyakarta Kebakaran.

It just a electricity circuit shorted from a water heater in one of the tenant.
That is Pastello Dining Resto in 4th floor near Taman Sari Food Court.
And from outside it looked a smoke from the top floor.

Actually I had lunch there, in Dec 18, 2009. It was long time ago ya :D
Cause it's my first time have eat in luxurious resto like that. *Maklum, wong ndeso haha*

A Street Band Show in Malioboro Street, Jogja

Have you been traveled to Malioboro street of Jogja?

This is the situation when I have dinner in one of Lesehan Food Stall in the most famous street in Jogja City, Malioboro. The night was getting late, and suddenly a street band showed up.

A Street Band in Malioboro Street
A street band in Malioboro street.

Our Menu
Our menu: Fried Bawal Fish, Lalapan, 3 portions of rice.
And the total price is Rp.89 thousand
And it just for 2 persons :)

Motorcycle Parking Area. Note that, it's just till 9 pm and 9.30 pm in holiday.

A shoes polisher?
Duh Mas2.. mbok cari kerjaan yg lbh baik, mumpung masih muda gitu.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

My Sandal Jepit Has Been Exchanged by Another Prayer :(

God, please forgive me if I had many mistakes.

Someone exchanged my flip flops in this Friday Noon Prayer hiks :'-(

And this that sandals look like:

I hope the person will be guided to not repeat his action again, Amin...


Ya Allah, siapa yg tega nukerin sandal japitku ya? :'-(
Semoga yang
melakukannya mendapat petunjuk sehingga ga mengulangi perbuatannya lagi,